Meet Our Bar Team

The Velvet Duchess
Voidlivion Peppermint
Owner of the establishment. Trade her at your own risk. Often kicks out unruly guests. Throws Gil at peasants. All hail the bourgeoisie. "Let them eat cake!"

The Velvet Butler
Zairt Carringsaw
Head of staff. Full time evil butler. Dreams of taking over the establishment through nepotism and intrigue. Host of events. Has many similar butler outfits. Amateur website manager.

The Velvet Dealer
Esctax Clouet
Casino Pitboss. Often doing the wrong job at the right time. Launderer of Gil. Very dodgy individual. Interact at your own risk.

The Velvet Handmaiden
Evil Girl
Odd job laborer. Hides behind masks for unknown reasons. Currently reading “Fifty Shades of Pink”. Always has bad glamour choices and therefore made to run glamour contest for life.

Glamour Addiction
Freya Holimion
Resident House Band Member. Social media guru. Obsessed with patting lalafels. Addicted to Black Jack.

Hypnotic Looks
Exotic Lefteye
Bar Tender. Buy your drinks here. Please buy a drink before you hit on her. Tip heavily, need to pay for glamours. Good effort in rebranding the lazy eye.

One Direction
Chonk Lesnar
Venue usher. There are no two directions in The Black Velvet. Chonk might have been abandoned in The Black Velvet. But finders keepers. Stop trying to steal Chonk from us.

Feisty Stares
N'talie Halha
Bar Maiden. GONNA BRING THE HOUSE DOWN!!! Wait no not literally!! Put down the hammer..... step back...!! No why are you tearing down the fixtures...!! Arghhh!!

Talent Management
Zairt's Chocobo
Head of Human Resource. All you slackers better punch in and punch out. Stop taking extra smoke breaks. No loitering on the lawn in between shifts!! Feed me!! All hail Zairt!!!

Highly Receptive
Machita Chima
Receptionist and Communication Specialist. Sold Zairt an over priced and defective emotional support lalafel. No refunds.

Broke Bunny
Raynare Blackheart
Dancer and Hostess. Another victim of the Gold Saucer, this broke bunny is madly in love with fellow dancer Cadsuane and is happily married. Still broke though.

Garden Ornament
Circe Rys
Lawn Mower. We actually don't know what Rys does. But she's always at The Black Velvet garden. Not sure if she's actually working here. Oh well.

Hired Muscle
Zhaedan Yaemox
Usher and Part-time Bouncer. Previously hired for her exceptional skills as a ghost buster. Zhaedan's weapons of choice are killer heels and netted stockings, that she now uses in creative and dark ways to keep our beloved guests in line.

Party Bunny
Cadsuane Sedai
Dancer. Dance for me, dance for me, dance for me, oh, oh, oh. I've never seen anybody do the things you do before. They say move for me, move for me, move for me, ay, ay, ay.

Our Not-So-New Intern
Luna Zolwe
(No longer unpaid) Waitress. Isn't the 90s retro? OMG. You all are like so old? Can I call you gramps? Wait what ya mean I'm failing my internship. You are gonna hear from my dad, you fogey.

Get Your Shots Here
Sarasvati Scandavia
Photographer. What’s the difference between a large pepperoni pizza and a photographer? A large pepperoni pizza can feed a family of four. Sigh ok, give me "Blue Steel".

Boba drinking millenial / slave queen​
Erys Smolfang
Web Intern / Servant Collector. Working at Black Velvet to fund her addiction to collecting servants at the local auction. So many servants, so little time.

Fake Chef / Only Gpose
Kizuna Bakudou
Photographer. Only cooks up new poses. Wants to cook Erys Smolfang because popotoe. Food may not be edible. Don't trust Photographers with a frying pan. Remind Zairt to hire real chef.

Cat in a Cage
Yuki Mizuhiki
Atmosphere Manager. Picked up as a stray by N'talie Halha and spends most of her time at the Enclosure @ The Black Velvet. She 100% loves it here and does not suffer from Stockholm Syndrome.

Charming Fluff
Reveryll Artaxerxes
Vocalist. Loves raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens. Murderous chickens and eggs getting beaten. Baking delicious desserts as she sings. These are a few of their favourite things.

Professional Troll
Ghar Zalan
Game Master. Lives in a cave with the one true ring. A friend of the pixies and all things mischievious. Ghar is 99% degenerate and 1% pain train.

Cute Stalker
Miqo Nyanderville
Twitch Streamer. Lover of fried chicken and knows everything. Don't let her innocent demeanour fool you. She will eat and eat and eat until all things are devoured. Remember to feed her or suffer the consequences.

Mystical Oiran
Rena Allegria
Greeter. Beautiful and extremely dangerous. Stare into her hypnotic belly button long enough and she will consume you. Black Velvet denies responsibility for any mysterious disappearances related to our staff.

Multimedia Junkie
C Lynn
Videographer. Dreams of reaching the distant stars by utilising the longest pole possible. She has been practicing the art of cloning herself (and her poles) at BV in order to achieve her lifelong dreams.

Cute Degen
Pluie Dhiver
Intern's Intern. What do you mean by reaching greater heights? I'm already at the greatest height possible!

Busy Popotoe
Eira Hargreaves
Housing Designer. Hired by Void and Zairt because they needed more clowns. If all else fails, lalafells make delicious emergency food.

Niko Magic
Niko Sonnenblume
Intern's Intern's Intern. Why do we have so many interns? With the power of magic and sunshine, Niko can do anything and everything. Including getting access to Void's coffers.

Pew Pew
Uzii A'scuti
Housing Designer. Mysterious person that we've never seen because they live in the housing void. Decorates the BV House in bullet speed time.
Apply Today
Email Zairt@theblackvelvet.org